Understanding And Cervical Cancer Prevention
DentalHealth - Cervical cancer is a cancer that appears on a woman's cervix. The cervix itself serves as the entrance to the uterus of the female genitalia. All women of various ages at risk of developing cervical cancer. However, The disease tends to affect women active sexual relationships.
Cervical Cancer Patients in Indonesia
In 2014, the WHO said there were more than 92 thousand cases of death in the female population as a result of cancer. Of 10.3 percent is the number of deaths from cervical cancer. While the number of new cases of cervical cancer amounted to almost 21 thousand.From 2000 to 2012, the young age of women who develop cervical cancer, the age range of 21-22 years in 2000 and reaching the age of under 20 years old in 2012. A WHO study reveals the lack of action of cancer screening in Indonesia. Particularly for cervical cancer screening and cervical cytology review is acetic acid, it is generally not available at primary health centers in 2014. It took effect on the number of cervical cancer deaths in Indonesia is high due largely due to the delay in diagnosis. Typically, the cancer has spread to other organs in the body when someone checked his condition. This is why treatment is becoming increasingly difficult.
Human Papillomavirus as Major Cause of Cervical Cancer
Nearly all cases of cervical cancer caused by human papillomavirus, or HPV. HPV is a collection of viruses that cause warts on the hands, feet, and genitals. There are many types of HPV are largely a harmless virus. But there are some types of HPV that interfere with the cells of the cervix to be able to function normally and can eventually lead to cancer. Very common HPV is transmitted through sexual intercourse and can be a cause of cervical cancer.Of the many types of HPV, there are two types of HPV that most dangerous virus, HPV 16 and HPV 18. These two types of virus that cause 70 percent of cervical cancer cases. Many women do not realize is infected, because these HPV types cause no symptoms. It is important to realize that these infections often occur, although many women who are infected do not develop cancer.
Patient safety device can protect from HPV when having a husband and wife, but not always perfect in preventing infection. When infected with HPV, women's immune system to prevent the virus to injure the uterus, but in some women, HPV virus can survive for years. This resulted in cells that are on the surface of the cervix change into cancer cells.
Vaccines to prevent HPV infection risk of causing cancer are already available. HPV vaccination that today there is a bivalent vaccine for HPV 16 and 18; kuadrivalen vaccine for HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18; or vaccine nonavalen to 9 different types of HPV, namely four types plus 31,33, 45, 52, and 58.
Importance Steps to Detect Cervical Cancer Screening
Over the years, the cells on the surface of the cervix undergoes many changes. These cells can slowly turn into cancer, but the actual cell changes in the cervix can be detected early. Treatment when the cells are still in the stage of pre-cancer can be done so that the risk of cervical cancer can be reduced.Screening for cervical cancer is also known as a Pap smear or Pap tests. Pap smears are useful to detect if there are abnormal cells that could potentially turn into cancer cells. While doing a pap smear, a sample of cells taken from the cervix and examined under a microscope.
Cervical screening is not a test for diagnosing cervical cancer. This test is useful to examine the health of the cells in the cervix and detect if there are abnormal cells. With the detection and removal of abnormal cells, cervical cancer can be prevented to the maximum. In most women, the test will show normal results. But about 5 percent of the tests showed any abnormal changes in cervical cells.
These changes mostly do not lead to cancer and abnormal cells may still be able to return to normal by itself. But, in certain cases, the cells that are abnormal need to be removed because of the potential to become cancerous.
Abnormal Pap test result does not mean that someone is suffering from cervical cancer. Most abnormal results are caused by infection or their risk of cancer cells that can be handled with ease. Advised in women who are already active husband and aged 25-49 years istriual inspected every three years. While women aged 50-64 can be checked every five years. Call your doctor to find out more about this investigation.
Determining the level of Stage Cervical Cancer Treatment
Treatment of cervical cancer depends on several factors. Cervical cancer can be treated by surgery if the diagnosis is done at an early stage. In some cases, only the cervix and uterus removed can be left alone. On a more serious condition, uterus need to be removed entirely. The process operation for removal of the uterus is called hysterectomy.While the radiotherapy procedure is an alternative measure for early stage cervical cancer. In certain cases, radiotherapy can also be run side by side with surgery. For cases of advanced cervical cancer, is usually treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy methods. Some treatment can have serious side effects and long term, including an early menopause and infertility.
Complications Due to Cervical Cancer
Complications often occur in women suffering from cervical cancer. Complications can arise as a direct result of the cancer or the side effects of the treatment performed. For example, for radiotherapy, surgery, or chemotherapy. Complications of cervical cancer are:Light Complications: minor bleeding in female genitalia and / or frequent urination.
Severe complications: severe bleeding and even kidney failure.
Cervical Cancer Life Expectancy
The future of cervical cancer patients is determined by the stage of diagnosis of cervical cancer received. Stage cervical cancer stages from one to four, where this stage describes the level of development and spread of cancer. Expectancy survive at least five years after diagnosis of cervical cancer, grouped into the status of the stadium:- Stage 1 - 80-99 percent
- Stage 2 - 60-90 percent
- Stage 3 - 30-50 percent
- Stage 4-20 percent
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